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Healthy Steps with Nicole's Podcast

May 30, 2022

Today, I'm going to be joined by my gorgeous friend and branding expert, Debbie White!!!

Debbie is going to be giving us the 411 on how to become a MUST HAVE brand to your audience!!!

Debbie has spent three decades as a marketing expert and has started several 6 and 7-figure companies, including an advertising agency....

May 26, 2022

I bet you’re a bit like me…..

You often catch yourself scrolling social media instead of doing what you were supposed to be doing. Or, you need a recipe on Pinterest but end up going down the Pinterest rabbit hole for 2 hours…..and never finding that recipe you were looking for.

Sound relatable? That’s...

May 23, 2022

Today, my beautiful friend Selina Pagan is going to be joining me for an amazing chat and training!

Selina is going to be talking all about how to be the glitch - and lead with your soul in your biz!

Selina is a Sass-mouthed starseed. Soul-centered advocate. Creative consultant with a side of ghetto mystic. She mentors...

May 19, 2022

I am so excited to share with you the story of my $2500 day, what this day meant to me, where I was before that day, and where I am now!

Join me for a brand new 4 week workshop: Exactly What To Say >><< 

This is your chance to jump in at a really awesome...

May 16, 2022

Do you ever get an inspiration, an amazing idea and it just feels magical? But…..then your brain comes in and wants to get into the strategy of HOW you are going to bring that idea to life. How is that going to happen? What do I have to do? 

You can feel the energy change from the inspiration moment into the thinking